
Contact me for additional information regarding varied consulting services Encoded 4 Story offers that incorporate clinical, research, policy and lived experience when addressing community, family, maternal/child dyad, and national health outcomes.
Lecturing / Grand Rounds
Sometimes helping clinicians, systems, and organizations understand health equity can be challenging. Encoded 4 Story can tailor a unique grand round lecture for your organization or student body to concretely understand health equity related to maternal/child/infant/family and community health through the intersections of American Indian/Alaska Native history, inherited destructive policies and contemporary outcomes.
Public Speaking / Key Note
If you are looking for a dynamic speaker integrating history to understand contemporary health outcomes, or the importance of using storytelling to change dominant narratives on health outcomes, contact me for additional information!
Storytelling for thriving health
Interested in including the ART and SCIENCE of storytelling for greater improved health?
Whether you are a clinician, patient, community member or leader, story is the bridge between all experiences and provides a reference point for shared understanding, but also can serve as a catalyst for action. Contact me to learn more about how storytelling can transform individual, family and community health.